Monday, 4 March 2013

9th weeks in XeerSoft

On 4th March 2013

During that day, I will do the EDI support calls then I attend the delivery department meeting. After that I do the template editing for the final task in Xeersoft.

On 5th March 2013

I do teach a bit about EDI support calls to the new interns. I just teach them how to handle the EDI support calls.

On 6th March 2013

On 7th March 2013

On 8th March 2013

8th weeks in Xeersoft

On 25th February 2013

For the whole day, I need to standby and takeover admin position because our admin was on leave for that day. At there I managed to handle incoming fax and watch the cctv for that company. During that time, I do my own works and try to complete my tasks.

On 26th February 2013

As usual I do my EDI support calls. After that, I need to attend the delivery meeting. At noon until evening I do concentrate to complete my task given by senior.

On 27th February 2013

Due to EDI support calls, I managed to complete my new task given by senior. After lunch hour I need to setup all the preparation for incoming my supervisor from my college. After that, I do to help junior to check our system using a different type of browser.

On 28th February 2013

Every morning, I need to do EDI support calls as usual. I'm also try to complete my task and at the evening, I have to attend the intern meeting. Our intern meeting will be guided by one mentor and our main topic is internship line in XeerSoft.

On 1st March 2013

On that day, I need to stanby for support at Motherhood Expo in KLCC. We handle the POS system for Pigeon Malaysia. I learnt how to add new product, change price, activate the product using the system. Our system was an offline system and all the sales will be recorded by the system. After lunch hour, I go back to office and doing some works and complete my template also remote into client PC to solve problems.

7th weeks in XeerSoft

On 18 February 2013

Early in the morning, I do the EDI support calls and remote into client PC. After that, in between I do the EDI support calls, I do have to edit the template that had been assigned to me until the end of working hours.

On 19 February 2013

For that day,  I do the EDI support calls. After that, I do some research for my FYP project.

On 20 February 2013

As usual, I need to handle the EDI support calls. Next we have to attend the delivery department meeting. After lunch hour, I do some work on the template editing. On that day, we also have general meeting.

On 21 February 2013

In the morning I do EDI support calls. After that, I go to attend knowledge pass down for 3XPOS system. During the talk, I need to install the system into our PC and then study the system. After the talk was ended, I need to attend the intern meeting.

On 22 February 2013

During the morning, I need to handle the EDI support calls and also doing something on template editing.

5th weeks at XeerSoft

On 4th February 2013

As usual, I will handle the EDI support calls. After that, my delivery department have meeting on 10.00am. Next, I do hardware checking for delivery department. 

On 5th February 2013

For a whole day, I only do the EDI support calls. I need to handle a calls from customer. sometimes i also need to do email supervisor.

On 6th February 2013
Same with yesterday, I only do for the EDI support calls for a whole day until the end of the day we have some CNY celebration and some gift from company.

On 7th February 2013

I have been assign to do define role for client. This is to change the user authorization when using our system. I was assigned with a new task by the senior. I need to edit the template report. This is for a new requirement asked by client and it will be released when upgrading our system to a new version. as usual, I do for EDI support calls. update my current schedule.

On 8th February 2013

Company annual leave.